Days at home after Transcatheter vs SAVR

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR) are both procedures that are performed to replace a patient's diseased or damaged aortic valve. While the ultimate goal of these procedures is the same, the approach to achieve this goal is different. SAVR is an open-heart surgery procedure that involves cutting open the chest and replacing the valve with a mechanical or biological valve, while TAVR is a minimally invasive procedure that involves threading a replacement valve through a catheter inserted in the groin or chest.

After undergoing either TAVR or SAVR, patients may need to spend some time at home recovering. Here's what you can expect during your days at home after TAVR or SAVR.

Days at Home after TAVR

After TAVR, most patients will spend one to two nights in the hospital before being discharged. Once you are discharged, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions to ensure a smooth recovery at home. Here are some of the things you can expect during your days at home after TAVR:

  • 1. Rest and Recovery: In the first few days after your TAVR procedure, you will likely experience some fatigue and discomfort. It is important to rest and give your body time to heal. Avoid any strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects during this time.
  • 2. Medications: Your doctor will likely prescribe medications to help manage your pain, reduce inflammation, and prevent blood clots. It is important to take these medications as prescribed and follow any instructions for monitoring your medication levels.
  • 3. Follow-up Appointments: You will likely have several follow-up appointments with your doctor in the weeks and months after your TAVR procedure. These appointments are important for monitoring your recovery and ensuring that you are healing properly.
  • 4. Rehabilitation: Your doctor may recommend cardiac rehabilitation to help you regain your strength and mobility after your TAVR procedure. This may involve supervised exercise and other therapies to help you regain your strength and stamina.
  • 5. Diet: Your doctor may recommend dietary changes to help you maintain a healthy weight and manage your cholesterol levels. It is important to follow these recommendations to support your heart health.
Days at Home after SAVR

After SAVR, patients typically spend several days in the hospital before being discharged. Once you are discharged, here's what you can expect during your days at home after SAVR:

  • 1. Rest and Recovery: After SAVR, you will likely experience some fatigue and discomfort. It is important to rest and avoid any strenuous activity during this time.
  • 2. Medications: Your doctor will likely prescribe medications to help manage your pain, reduce inflammation, and prevent blood clots. It is important to take these medications as prescribed and follow any instructions for monitoring your medication levels.
  • 3. Follow-up Appointments: You will likely have several follow-up appointments with your doctor in the weeks and months after your SAVR procedure. These appointments are important for monitoring your recovery and ensuring that you are healing properly.
  • 4. Rehabilitation: Your doctor may recommend cardiac rehabilitation to help you regain your strength and mobility after your SAVR procedure. This may involve supervised exercise and other therapies to help you regain your strength and stamina.
  • 5. Incision Care: It is important to keep the incision site clean and dry to prevent infection. Your doctor will provide specific instructions for caring for your incision site.
  • 6. Diet: Your doctor may recommend dietary changes to help you maintain a healthy weight and manage your cholesterol levels. It is important to follow these recommendations to support your heart health.

In Conclusion Both TAVR and SAVR are effective procedures for treating aortic valve disease. While the recovery process may differ slightly between these two procedures,